Gayle Monk for Shirley West
Your local champion fighting for Shirley West
Support is growing in Shirley West for Gayle Monk
A long term resident of Shirley, Gayle is committed to seeing real and positive change for the area in the future.
I have lived in Shirley since 2007 when we bought our first house here, moving from Yardley Wood. Even then I loved the combination of what Shirley has to offer, and it very swiftly felt like home. My family and I have put down roots here, and my children have all thrived in local Shirley schools.

By day I am a solicitor, and I work for councils, housing providers and others, meaning I understand the ins and outs of working with and for a local council. I help those councils to achieve positive social, economic and environmental results for their communities. I am passionate about addressing climate change and social inequalities both locally and nationally. I want to take those passions and show you what I can deliver in Shirley.
I’m standing as your candidate for Solihull Council so I can give residents a voice in the Council, to ensure Shirley can thrive better than it has under the Conservatives, and to do my bit to help make sure Shirley and Solihull are prepared for the future.
As a local resident passionate about the area, Shirley and its residents can trust me to always put the community’s best interests first. Shirley has given so much to me and my family, now I want to give something back.
To have a strong voice for Shirley West on Solihull Council, vote for Gayle Monk.
On May 2nd, it's a clear choice between Lib Dems and the Conservatives
Lib Dem Gayle Monk can win for Shirley West ward
Your local Liberal Democrat team have a track record of beating the Conservatives in Solihull.
The Conservatives are going backwards. They are taking communities like ours for granted, ignoring local people.
Labour and the Green Party just can't win here in Shirley West.
Make sure your vote counts by backing local Lib Dem champion Gayle Monk to beat the Conservatives in Shirley West.

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