Councillor James Bradley
James Bradley is one of three Liberal Democrat Councillors for Olton Ward.
James is passionate that the residents of Olton are listened to all year round. That’s why he’s been out knocking doors since he was elected in May 2023, asking residents what their biggest issues are in the community.
It is clear that residents in every corner of Olton feel that there is not enough police presence in the community. Speeding is a persistent issue that has become worse since lockdown ended and Olton’s shops need rejuvenation in the same way that shops in other parts of Solihull, such as Knowle, have been. James has been hard at work on these issues.
He has joined our call for a Police station to be included in the Solihull Town Centre Masterplan, left out by the Conservative-led council, and continues to report weeds and cracked pavements that blight the surroundings of our shops.
James is a strong advocate to prepare Olton for the future.

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